vineri, 7 ianuarie 2011

Load Balancing Router Benefits

With the increasing importance of the need to remain connected to the information highway constantly, there is a need for appliances and solutions that distribute traffic efficiently. When that happens, traffic flow improves and bottlenecks caused by a single connection are removed. In case one connection fails, remaining connections will be utilized so that internet continuity is ensured. This is load balancing.

On a network, it does not take long for traffic to build up and lead to congestion. Applications like VoIP can choke your bandwidth capacity. When data packets queue up, there could be slowing down of traffic and data loss. Through load balancing applications, multiple connections are grouped instead of using a single connection. This increases bandwidth tremendously. When traffic is shared among different internet connections, the chances of congestion are reduced. The end user does not have to suffer unnecessary delays. Load balancing also helps to ensure that data packets are not delivered out of order. Computers also have the ability to connect to various internet access technologies. Load balancing is achieved through load balancing routers.

There are two kinds of load balancing.

1. Outbound load balancing

2. Inbound load balancing

Outbound load balancing has several benefits. Some of its most obvious advantages include:

improved bandwidth efficiency

1. Almost uninterrupted uptime

2. Ability to use different internet technologies

3. Flexible load balancing options may be implemented

Inbound load balancing is designed for networks that operate and provide services like web hosting, email servers or other networking application that fulfills the incoming request of various computers.

For inbound load balancing to work, data requests from external users who require data from the network must be managed. To achieve this, data distribution over multiple internet connections takes place, instead of over a single connection. If a single connection is used, requests choke up the network and congestion occurs.

Why is load balancing important?

Well, for many internet users, reliable internet service is literally worth its weight in gold. By avoiding downtime, they gain a competitive advantage just as experiencing downtime can make them incur huge financial loss. In this day and age, forward thinking business people realize the importance of redundant internet access. By leveraging on the power of load balancing, they can enjoy elevated bandwidth.

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